Last week there was finally the big delivery that we have all been waiting for and with it was a generator – it may not be grand, but it gives us all the power we need for each house to have lights and a fridge – just in the nick of time as the candles on Praslin are now ‘All Finished’.
But there was a catch – hard work...
The delivery was the largest Aride had ever received and to stop the invasion by rats there was lots to be done before hand. Rat proof compound and traps were to be set and the island prepared for what was to be a major event.

We were expecting 25 barrels of fuel, 6 tons of aggregate, 50 bags of cement, 2,000 blocks, 3 tons of timber and several miscellaneous things like a new boat, pipe and freezer!

The danger at this time of year is that as the winds move round to the South East with the changing of the monsoons we can lose the beach at anytime and it isn’t a safe place for storage, so this means all the stuff had to be moved and taken into the island ASAP, once it had been confirmed to be free of rats and invasive species!!
We had a bit of help in the shape of extra pairs of hands from Mahe and Praslin, and a helicopter, but it was one of the hardest days we have ever worked, exacerbated by the temperature a mere 34°C!

Concrete blocks, timber, a new boat and freezer were brought in by boat,

fuel, aggregate, blocks and cement were carried by helicopter

It was not only the time to bring items to the island, but also to take them away and we manage to move a large amount of rubbish that we had inherited that has accumulated over the years.

It had the potential to be a logistical nightmare, with unknown staff, changeable weather and sea conditions and the pure volume of stuff, but I needn’t have worried, the team worked like a well oiled machine, any problems were over come and after an early start, by 4pm the job was complete.

The delivery marks the start of the renovation of the island’s properties, including running water, reliable electricity, with a complete solar system and back-up generators which can tolerate the harsh conditions. This not only means that Aride will become a more comfortable place to live, but that it will hopefully attract and keep more local staff and have the continuity that it needs, which is a massive step forward in sustaining the island in the future.
And then of course all that was left to do was to relax with a well earned COLD beer and pizza!!